
Living pHure - Hydration

A basic need that goes virtually unnoticed in our culture today is the need for water. And not just any water—but pH balanced, alkaline , oxygenated water.

Water has an essential hydrolytic role in all aspects of body metabolism including brain function. Our bodies are 70% water while our blood is over 90% water. The water within our bodies is not simply a carrier or means of transport for solutes of the body, but it also helps regulate certain bodily functions including the activity of many of the solutes it dissolves and circulates.

In general, acidosis (over-acidity) is primarily a chronic, residual, condition of a lack of hydration and proper nutritional intake. Without question, a lack of water, especially quality water, can only lead to an imbalanced alkaline/acid ratio within the blood and actual cell tissue.

When this imbalance becomes chronic, the lack of water permeating the internal environment of cells in the body impacts the enzymatic activity of the DNA and RNA structures of cell nuclei, as well. This, in time, can affect cellular reproduction and, in the extreme, genetic predisposition.

In terms of performance, ionized, oxygenated water (optimum hydration) has a wide range of health benefits. Increased oxygenation through optimal hydration enhances muscle performance as well as overall stamina. It also prevents cramping, lessens the likelihood from physical activity of soft tissue injury, enables faster overall recovery, and promotes removal of toxins from the body. My personal experience was one of significant performance improvement in aerobic (bicycling) and anaerobic (core lifting) activities.

Ionized, oxygenated water addresses this issue head-on because such water carries negatively charged electrons, which neutralize destructive free radicals. This negative charge is referred to as Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) and, as a measurement of anti-oxidant power, is measured in millivolts (MV). It is an indicator of the presence of free electrons sometimes called donor electrons. Ionized, oxygenated, alkaline water donates free electrons to unstable oxygen free radicals, resulting in stable evenly paired oxygen molecules. Stable oxygen (a non-reactive oxygen molecule with evenly paired electrons) is wholly invigorating and provides the body with energy to maintain mental alertness and highly efficient body function. This abundance of negative ions in the blood and tissue also increases the amount of bicarbonate buffers in the blood, balancing the body so it can better neutralize and excrete acids and toxins.

The process of ionization changes the structure of water as well. Water molecules are restructured into what are called “micro clusters.” This water is referred to “living water,” which deeply hydrates the cells of the body by being absorbed six times faster than tap or bottled water. Research shows that “living water” can also assist in repairing damaged DNA strands.

In terms of performance, ionized, oxygenated water (optimum hydration) has a wide range of benefits. Increased oxygenation through proper hydration enhances muscle performance and overall stamina, prevents cramping, lessens the likelihood from physical activity of soft tissue injury, enables faster recovery and promotes removal of toxins from the body.

In conclusion, my experience is that proper hydration is not only a key element in overall health and wellness but the key element that serves as the foundation for proper metabolic nutritional and supplemental activity. Water (hydration) plays a key role in the digestion, absorption, transportation, and use of nutrients. It is the key factor in whole body thermoregulation and is critical for enhanced immune system function. From energy production to DNA repair, there is no system in the body that does not depend on water.