The New and Old Science of Water
Water is a building block of life. Because of its life giving and life sustaining properties, water has many spiritual, philosophical and scientific connotations.
Indigenous people revered water as sacred and referred to it as the essence of life. They recognized that it can be vibrantly alive and is, in fact, an organized matrix, which responds to and interacts with its environment.
In Chinese medicine water is one of the five basic elements of health and wellbeing. It corresponds with the kidneys (yin) and bladder (yang) organs / meridians of the body. As we know, water is essential for keeping the kidneys supple and flushed. According to Chinese tradition, kidneys store Jing, or vital essence. This Jing energy is a stored essence to be distributed and is related to QI (Chi) energy which is vital force energy which we receive from without. The body and all of its organs need Jing to thrive and survive, and because the kidneys store Jing, they bestow this potential for life activity. Therefore the yin and yang or life activity of each organ depends on the yin and yang of the kidneys.
In a complimentary fashion the bladder is in charge of maintaining normal fluid levels throughout the body. It is not merely an excretory organ, but is coupled with the function of the kidneys in helping to store Jing. Therefore, the bladder is essential to life activity as well. The functions of the organs are wholly dependent on an abundant supply of quality water.
In its original form, water is a liquid crystal—a medium that can carry signals and vibrational information (frequencies). In its “pure” form, it is called living water. In addition to living water, there is a term called “full spectrum living water.” This description refers to water that carries the full spectrum of life supporting frequencies. This perspective has to do with what is called today The New Science of Water.
This term implies that there is living water and there is something other than living water—water that is no longer able to support Earth’s life forms and peoples at optimal levels.