Acidosis is a condition in which body’s chemistry, particularly blood and tissue pH, becomes imbalanced and overly-acidic. Such over-acidity is an expression of dis-ease and sets the stage for a vast majority, if not all, inflammatory conditions and chronic illnesses.
This symptomatic “expression” is the result of:
- The body striving to mobilize mineral reserves (calcium from bone / magnesium from muscle tissue) to alkalize blood and tissue pH in order to prevent cellular breakdown
- The body’s emergency attempts to clean the blood and thereby detoxify itself
- A simple systemic lack of alkalizing hydration
In extreme cases, if the blood stream cannot balance it’s “acidic overload,” the circulatory system will attempt to get rid of its acid waste in liquid form through the lungs (mucus) and the kidneys (urine). As a last resort, excessive acidic waste will be deposited / dumped by the blood into various organ systems or stored as fatty tissue. Chronic / ongoing conditions and illnesses arise when all possibilities of neutralizing or eliminating excess acids have been exhausted.
Acidosis is responsible for many of the inherent health challenges we face every day including:
Weight Gain
As a defensive maneuver, the body creates fat cells to carry acids away from organ tissue and to store excess (fatty) acids. Acidic blood pH can also impede the liver from efficiently metabolizing fat and sugars. Imbalanced blood and tissue pH can also exhaust the adrenal glands resulting in low levels of energy which contribute to weight gain and/or fatigue of the thyroid gland (which controls the body’s rate of metabolism). Outsized appetites and extreme blood sugar levels can also be attributed to imbalanced blood chemistry.
An overly acidic, oxygen deprived internal environment severely stresses the immune system so that it is constantly stimulated and overworked. The result is chemical or nutritional sensitivities (allergic reactions/irritation) to foods or airborne matter. Soreness, swelling, runny nose, and stuffy sinuses are all expressions of the body’s efforts to neutralize acidic toxins.
Chronic over-acidity reduces the absorption of protein, minerals, and other nutrients, which weaken the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones and the hundreds of other chemical components necessary for proper cellular energy and organ activity. It also unbalances the process that controls the water and mineral content of cells (electrolyte balance), which is necessary for healthy cell activity. Alkaline / acidic imbalance also involves, overtime, damage to nerve tissue and an interference with nerve transmission. Chronic breakdown of neurotransmitters can eventually reduce stamina, cause excessive fatigue, cloud thinking, and actually affect or block ambition, when most of these factors are in play, we can experience what is termed chronic fatigue syndrome.
Aches and Pains
Generally, aches and pains are a result of “stiffness” which is a lack of elasticity and mobility in muscles and joints of the body. An acidic body becomes rigid as acid waste builds up in the cellular tissue and the joints dry out and are, in effect, “demineralized” and ultimately seriously compromised.
Chronic Disability
Chronic disabilities manifest when the body can no longer compensate for the acidic conditions under which it must operate. Overall lack of water, nutrients, and oxygen put various systems of the body in a rationing/survival state. This, in turn, causes a breakdown in cellular activity. The body’s ability to function becomes severely compromised and neurotransmitter activity becomes greatly reduced. Disabilities are most often simply the body’s inability to properly function due to long term oxidative stress.
Mood Disorders
Chronic acidosis can also lead to mood disorders and neurological imbalance. The usual circumstance is a chronic acidic buildup, which can interfere with the productivity of coenzyme A. When coenzyme A decreases, such conditions as depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings and PMS seem to worsen.
In many cases, people may be aware of their neurological behavior or emotional anxiety but unable to change or control their behavior because their bodies and the neurotransmitters of the brain itself are in a state of chronic toxicity. Remember, the health of the physical body does affect our mental and emotional well-being and vice versa. It is rare that one can exist in a healthy state without the other.
Acidosis is also a result of the nutritional choices we make, including our choices concerning the amount and pH of the water we drink. Stress is acid forming as well, however much of our stress is self-induced simply because of the “comfort” choices we make around what we ingest as so-called “nutrition.” Acid forming drinks include soft drinks, tea (dark), coffee, milk, cocoa, alcohol, and sugar added juices. In addition, many of these choices contain chemical sweeteners as an industry standard. Because of our attraction to various tastes, many of us consume these products in place of water under the assumption that we are drinking liquids, which take the place of water. Nothing could be further from the truth. Acid forming drinks actually dehydrate and dry out the body creating additional acidic waste for the body to process and detoxify.
What we eat is important as well. Acid forming foods include meat, flour—flour based products, dairy products, grains (most) seeds, nuts (most), lentils, beans (most) and all foods with sugar added. The problem here is balance as well as eating “healthy portions”. There are many alkaline forming foods such as fresh vegetables (most), fresh fruit (most), sprouted grains, beans and seeds, honey (local), maple syrup, and molasses just to name a few. “Grasses” are incredibility nutrient-dense and alkalizing as well. The key here is “choice”. We currently have whole industries, both food and drink, that present us with “fast” or “comfortable” lifestyle options. However, these industries seldom provide us with truly healthy nutritional choices.